Terms, Conditions & Disclaimer

The purpose and mission of Catalyst4More is to help you be the best that you can be at work at home and at play. As required by the law, we do not guarantee any results related to our systems, frameworks, strategies ideas, tools or resources. What we offer and share (the programs, systems, courses and content) is not therapy although people say they have found our work together to be helpful, game changing, insightful, meaningful and with greater awareness came what some considered therapeutic benefits. How you benefit is determined by you and completely up to you. Obviously any changes will be based on where you are (where you are starting from) and where you want to be (where you determine you want to go), and results vary from person to person based on their circumstances, levels of awareness, knowledge, commitment, and actions taken and not taken. 

Any and all reviews, testimonials, results, numbers (financial or otherwise) in Catalyst4More content including seminars, presentations, emails, media, and on our website, mentioned in emails, or referenced in any of our content, are for illustrative purposes only. The results mentioned in the reviews and our content are shared with consent. We believe in you and your ability to make the changes you desire. We are here to support you in your life journey and share our systems, programs, strategies, content and ideas to help guide you in your journey to live the life of your dreams.

Contact Us through the form below or setup a call at  .

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Consider This...

The life you live is based on your focus

What you focus on is determined by 3 decisions you make. Do you choose:

1. What you currently have,
or what you want

2. Things you can control,
or things you can’t

3. The Past, The Present,
or The Future

You control what you focus on

Live in the Present – The best gifts come when we are fully present

Dream Big, Plan it, and Act on it

What you focus on is the investment that your future is built on